Submit a regret!

Please read the directions before submitting a regret.
Please title each email either TIRS for Thing I regret saying, TIRH for Thing I regret hearing, or CE for celebrity edition.
For “Things I Regret Saying” Copy and paste this format(the bolded parts) in an email( and fill out accordingly:
TIRS: “”
Context: no context needed
Submitted by: anonymous
Enter the thing you regret in between the quotation marks.
If context is needed, delete “no context needed” and fill out the section.
If you wish to add a name or username, delete “anonymous” and enter your name or username. Last names will not be accepted, so if you with to use your name, just use an abbreviation, ie, don’t use Laura Beeman, use Laura B. (That name was made up, and is not supposed to represent a real person.)
For “Things I regret hearing” use the following template(same directions apply from above):
TIRH: “”
Context: No context needed
Submitted by: Anonymous
For Celebrity edition-
or for female celebrities-
Feel free to add a title, if so desired.
Email all “regrets” to
If emails are not in the format described above, they will not be accepted.
We reserve the right to refuse any submission for any reason.
Emails will never be collected, sold, or distributed in any way.
Spammers will be shot.
Email all “regrets” to

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